Shameless Holiday Reminder

I feel kind of mercenary posting this, but I just got laid off, so what the heck? I’ve been told that my book, Heaven Up Here, makes an excellent Christmas gift for people who have served LDS missions, will serve missions, or simply want to read a good book.

At less than $10, it even makes a good stocking stuffer.

OK, I’m done begging for the year. Merry Christmas!

5 Responses to Shameless Holiday Reminder

  1. Jean Bodie says:

    And that, my friend is a darn good idea. Merry Christmas; you will find a better job soon.

  2. Odell Campbell says:

    Your book as a holiday gift is a great idea. The link you provide only brought me to the Amazon Kindle addition. The only stocking stuffer edition I could find was the paperback edition at Barnes & Noble.

  3. Sean Thorsen says:

    What is the name of the company that is having the layoffs?
    So sorry to hear of this misfortune.

  4. vikingz2000 says:

    Just thought I’d let you know I purchased your book for my son who severed in Argentina, and my wife read it before I wrapped it as a Christmas present. One of her sons served in Bolivia, but she had no idea what it was like and so now she does. She said it was a good read and a real eye-opener (her son never told her anything about his mission experiences). Anyway, that son is still afflicted (after at least fifteen years ago or so) with a type of diarrhea bug he got there. So sad. My son, too, has stories to tell, although he seemed to enjoy his mission more because of them (the hardy, adventurous soul that he is). All-in-all, though, you still gotta wonder about the purposefulness of sending young men (boys) to third world places with so few safety net resources. And now they are going to be sent out at eighteen years of age! Mmm…..

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