An Apology to BCSpace

A while back I was admittedly very hurt when someone I know who goes by “bcspace” attacked my blog as being typical “anti-Mormon claptrap” pretending to be reasonable and thoughtful. Apparently, he considers my blog the Internet equivalent of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I didn’t react very well to the attack (and even he would have to admit that it was an attack). For the record, my blog is not about anything in particular, but is an attempt to express what I’m thinking and feeling every day. That it has gravitated around Mormonism is simply a reflection of how much Mormonism is still a part of my life. But it did sting that my thoughts and feelings were reduced to a petulant attack on Mormonism.

But where I went wrong, I suspect, is in taking this attack personally. A friend sent me this little snippet from bcspace this morning, and it has me thinking:

[Exmormons] just want their ears scratched as evidenced by how uptight they are when you point out the inconsistencies in their testimonies. It’s a case of not being able to take their own medicine. Their blogs pretend to be poignant yet are intentionally interspersed with the “exit story” a strawman version of the LDS Church. They will be your “bestest” friend until you unmask them.

It is not difficult to illustrate this with just a few posts.

I think people like bcspace really do see things in terms of good and evil, Mormon and anti-Mormon, and to him, I’m clearly in the anti-Mormon camp. Hence, my defensive reaction to him wasn’t a result of being hurt but was a result of my anger at having been unmasked.

bcspace talked about his approach as “tough love,” and I’m trying to see it that way. It still doesn’t work that way for me, but I do acknowledge my fault in taking it personally and responding badly. For that I apologize, bcspace. I hope we can be friendly once again.

7 Responses to An Apology to BCSpace

  1. K*tty says:

    [Exmormons] just want their ears scratched as evidenced by how uptight they are when you point out the inconsistencies in their testimonies.

    Wow! I have yet to have a Mormon acknowledge that ex mormons struggle and it is not a picnic leaving behind a faith you have practiced your whole life. Your friend is not going to get IT.
    What are the inconsistencies in “their” testimonies? Ex mormons no longer have a testimony, so there are No inconsistencies. Duh! For me, I just got tired of the lies, and the spinning to make irrational doctrine and practices seem sane.

    Runtu, you don’t need friends like that?

  2. ouestdieu says:

    I think it’s very big of you to apologize to this person who will probably never respect your position. It’s funny that when someone is so deeply entrenched in the LDS paradigm, even the desire for truth seems insidious.

  3. Chris says:

    There is only one person who needs to apologize here, and it’s not you, Runtu!

  4. sideon says:

    You’re one of the nicest people I know, Runtu – and you apologized here when it wasn’t you who needed to apologize.

    I won’t apologize. Pretend all he’d like not to be, but bcspace is an asshat. If he was pimping his own religion and had the hung testimony of a porn star, I still wouldn’t “buy” him.


  5. Anonymous Literary Admirer says:


    I’m sorry to hear about this. But this could be one of those friends you need to get rid of. I was referring to these sort of people when I wrote in an earlier post about spring cleaning your life.

    I think it’s good of you to try to build bridges but I honestly don’t think you’re in the wrong in this matter. I don’t see a need to apologise but I understand your wish to keep the relationship on good terms if this is someone you still want in your life. But think about whether it’s really someone you want to be friendly with.

    Kind regards

  6. zackc says:

    What Anonymous Literay Admirer said. Stop talking to the dumb dumbs.

  7. K*tty,

    “I have yet to have a Mormon acknowledge that ex mormons struggle and it is not a picnic leaving behind a faith you have practiced your whole life.”

    May I be the first (and hopefully not the last) Mormon to openly acknowledge this fact.


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