The Most Popular Post on My Blog

I was checking my blog statistics today, and I saw that the most-viewed post, with over 5200 hits was this one:

Ten Reasons I Can’t Be a Mormon Anymore

I wrote that a few years ago on my old blog, but everything I wrote still stands. All those things are true, and I know they are true. And that’s why I can’t force myself back into the church.

9 Responses to The Most Popular Post on My Blog

  1. shematwater says:

    Just so you know, I was raised LDS and I have heard of all the reasons you list, which seems to contradict your #1.
    So, if your number one reason is false, what does this say of the others?

    • runtu says:

      I’d say it says nothing about the others. It’s clear the church does not publish this information, and there is definitely a pattern of hiding such things, particularly since the early 1980s. I don’t think that’s in dispute.

      If you knew about such things and have managed to maintain faith, well, good for you. As Odell said, you are an exception. It took me a long time to learn what you grew up with.

      As for the other issues, I notice that you don’t dispute any of them, probably because they are not in dispute. But it’s easier to attack me as a liar and dismiss everything I said. I get it.

  2. Odell says:

    shematwater if you knew about these things then you were the exception. I grew up LDS and was never thought any of this. I served a mission, seminary went to BYU and didn’t learn about it until my late 30’s.

  3. Diane Sower says:

    I don’t think most mormons would accept any of these things. I think they consider these truths to be the work of satan, and will avoid them at all cost. I think of my father as the perfect example.

  4. shematwater says:

    I never said I was taught them, only that I know about them.
    Also, I know many people who also know about them. While I agree that the majority of the members don’t, I am far from the exception. I would estimate between 15 and 20 percent of the membership know these issues.

    As to an active attempt to hide them, I have to disagree. There has been a policy of leaving the past in the past, but every religion can benefit from that. This is not hiding, but ignoring.

    As to the other issues, yes they are in dispute, I just didn’t care to address them because it doesn’t really matter that much.
    My point was that by making the statement you did in your #1 point you do call into question the other points you make. This is not to say you are lying, but that you are misinformed.
    Now, if you had said that most people, or a majority never learn these things than you would have been perfectly fine. However, to claim a universal principal is never a good idea.
    This is really all I was saying.

  5. shematwater says:

    #9. Anachronisms and clear plagiarisms in the Book of Mormon.

    This only holds up if we assume the Book of Mormon is not scripture.
    However, if we assume that it is scripture, just as inspired as the Bible, then there is no plagiarism, as God does not plagiarize himself.
    To say that a prophecy can’t have been given to two separate people at two different times (1 Nephi 22: 15 vs. Malachi 4: 1-2) is ridiculous if you consider that it is the same God revealing this to the men.
    The same logic follows with everything else. God is unchanging, so the doctrine he delivers to one group will be the same as the doctrine he delivers to another, making the two records remarkably similar, and likely using the same phrases at times.

    So, the reasoning does not prove the Book of Mormon false, but rather a belief that it is false proves the reasoning.

    Similar things can be shown for each point made.

    Now, I am not trying to convince you to come back to the church. I am simply saying that “indisputable” reasons for leaving are very disputable.

    • runtu says:

      Hmmm. I started out with the assumption that the Book of Mormon was scripture, the word of God. I concluded that there are indeed anachronisms and plagiarized sections of the book. It’s funny that you use the “God said it twice” argument, which I also used to use.

      • shematwater says:

        I can make no comment on your own reasoning. All I can say is that this reasoning is sound, making the argument you present less than indisputable.

        As I said, I am not trying to convince you of anything, accept that what you claim is indisputable is disputable. If you want to accept these things as fact, go right ahead. But do not claim them as proven, cause none of them are.

  6. health says:

    To believe in things beyond human capacity, can only be done by faith in the Lord. if someone starts to think and analyze things about God and his work, he will conclude that those who are faithful to the church are fools. padaha which is actually the opposite.

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